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This work is a selection from Anothermountainman's noted series "redwhiteblue".
Stanley Wong, alias Anothermountainman, was born in Hong Kong in 1960. He has been a celebrity of the creative industry in Asia for the past twenty years. From working as creative director in international agencies to operating his own film production company 10 years ago. Adding to numerous industry awards, his rank in Chinese contemporary art come to another milestone when was representing Hong Kong at the Venice Biennale 2005. For the past ten years, Anothermountainman has been pushing to use "redwhiteblue" - a synthetic material, in almost all of his artworks. He uses this material relentlessly, from photographic documents to large scale installation, from artist-books and objects to even wearable arts. This strong, durable material generally manufactured in red-white-blue strips has been used widely in Hong Kong and Asia for the course of many decades has now becoming almost an icon of Anothermountainman.