Frank Gross - inspired by Platonic solids forms

"Scientists, mathematicians, architects and artists have long been intrigued and inspired by Platonic solids forms. The five Platonic solids are the only existing three-dimensional solid forms that have equivalent faces, which are regular polygons. This is to say that each face has sides that are equal length, angles that have equal measure, and the same number of faces meet at each corner.

They're called Platonic solids because the earliest descriptions of them as a group is in Plato's (427 to 347 B.C.) writings, but there is evidence that they were discovered much earlier. Neolithic carvings of them have been found in Scotland that are some 4000 years old.

Plato considered the forms as an intermediary between disordered natural phenomena and the perfection of the heavenly realm. He also associated one of the primary elements with each of the regular solids: with the tetrahedron, fire, with the cube, earth, with the octahedron, air, and with the icosahedron, water, while he considered the dodecahedron to be the form of the universe itself.

I constructed these sculptures and photographed them as an exploration of the phenomena. Locating them among bent grasses reflected their geometric beauty and at the same time lends credence to the beauty of the simple dried grass." - Frank Gross

Canadian photographer Frank Gross is the recipient of several international industry awards for his print and television work. He is comfortable working in several genres and drift seamlessly between editorial, corporate, advertising and fine arts. His work is collected in several private collections.