Elizabeth Siegfried, from a collaboration of photographs and poems by Elizabeth Siegfried and Aleah Sato

EXTINCT is a collaboration of photographs and poems by Elizabeth Siegfried and Aleah Sato. It is a sequence of thirteen images and poems that reflects upon the slow vanishing of the natural world and our place in it.

Each image in the collection is complemented by a poem or poetic fragment. The poems were written to mirror the experience of being alive: our fears, desires, needs and the impact of these experiences on the environment and other species.


When you no longer recognize what you are
and fashion makes a gaudy robe of your tears –
Above you a chorus of horns will scream bloody murder
to still your movement - a collision fatality
before a late night talk show
When you no longer have a place
to creep beside the wind,
the rain will cease to quench your thirst
Behind fire and strange scents
your children will cough
on their once delicate song of growth
No one will recognize you,
frozen and alone,
when the trembling world
goes on without the slightest trace
of where you once
fit in

Elizabeth Siegfried is a Toronto based fine art photographer whose images have been exhibited worldwide. Known for her work in self portraiture and photographic narrative, Siegfried has had her photographs reproduced and discussed in such publications as Schwarzweiss, La Fotografia Actual, The Women’s Daybook, ARTNews, Shutterbug and Camera Arts Magazine.

Aleah Sato is a creative writer and the author of the poetry collection Badlands and Stillborn Wilderness (Pooka Press). Her poems have appeared in numerous print and electronic journals, including Blue Fifth Review, Adirondack Review, juked, Wicked Alice, Blood Orange Review, Shadow Train, the Argotist, Latchkey, Nth Position and Eclectica, among others.